Thursday, 28 March 2013

Clickable Australia Map

This is a clickable australia map purely based on html and css. Originally its created by the website and the documentation is present at here. It is a very lightweight solution to use on your website compared to the clickable maps that use Javascript/ Jquery. But you can integrate this with your jquery requirements and so it is highly flexible. It allows you to hover-over or click the individual states and its provided with ready to use images. If you need a different color theme you can change this from the original image. The map will look like:

You can see the live demo here.

Download the complete source code here.

To use the map in your website you can edit files in the package and customize it based on your requirements.

Hope this helps !

Creating an image preview using jquery tooltip

An image tooltip is a very important feature for any website having images/image galleries. You can create this easily with a few lines of code.

Here we have given the method to display a preview image using jquery tooltip. This will look like the figure given below.

You can see a live demo of the script here.

Full source code is available for download here.

Hope this helps !

Friday, 22 March 2013

creating line charts using high charts

High charts api provides the best way to create animated line charts using javascript. This is very simple and easy to build. You only need to pass your data values to the api and it will do everything. Also a lot of configuration options are there. The complete configuration and other options and live demos are available at Also there are options for downloading or printing the chart. A sample demo is given below.

Highcharts Example

Hope this helps !

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

A comparison of google pie chat and pie charts API from

Google pie charts

Google pie charts are simple and easy to draw. It is rendered within the browser using SVG or VML Displays tooltips when hovering over slices, also a lot of configuration options are available to customize this based on your requirements. The detailed list of configuration options are available at

High Charts

Highcharts is a charting library written in pure JavaScript, offering intuitive, interactive charts to your web site or web application. Highcharts currently supports line, spline, area, areaspline, column, bar, pie, scatter, angular gauges, arearange, areasplinerange, columnrange and polar chart types. And regarding pie chart a wide variety of options are there for customizing the chart. Also it is compatible with almost al browsers and is animated. The most prominent feature of this API is that you can print the chart or download it as PNG,JPEG,PDF or in SVG vector image format. Here is an example for a pie chart from highcharts api.

Highcharts Example

Tuesday, 19 March 2013

jquery addresspicker

In many web applications you will need to create an address picker that picks up the latitude and longitude of particular places. An excellent plugin is available for this at

Also there is a map available to show the selected placed. As it is built on google map and jquery you can customize it to suit your requirements.

Hope this helps !

Calculate distance between two latitude longitude

In some web applications we will need to calculate the distance between two points on earth’s surface. Mainly this is for advertising purposes or to display locations based on distance. Up on considering the points as two places on earth’s surface, the shortest distance becomes the great circle distance. The great-circle or orthodromic distance is the shortest distance between any two points on the surface of a sphere measured along a path on the surface of the sphere (as opposed to going through the sphere's interior). You can calculate the distance based on this theory but it is already available in websites.

You can see the best one of them at

Also the code for various platforms is available at

By using this method of calculation you can find the distance in KM, Miles or in Nautical Miles according to your requirement.

Hope this helps !

Thursday, 14 March 2013

Innovative webs,innovative designs and innovative features

For creating innovative website you must have the following:

1)      Innovative design: To create an innovative-unique website, the first thing you need is a good design. If you have the time and money, do not go for a built-in theme, but hire a developer and start from the scratch. Set milestones for design and development, save every milestone status separately and always continue from the previous level in case of crash. In this process you will be able to integrate all features that you would like.

2)      Innovative features: Integrate all features that are required to achieve the aim of the website. Also check for most popular websites and similar website, but always try something new. Because users will get attracted to those new things if these are interesting and unique.

3)      Website location and SEO: Creating an innovative website only will not help you to meet the success point, but you need to place this in the ideal location; that means the domain. You need to select a domain that is similar to the aim of the website. And also the name must be SEO friendly. And the most important part of the process is optimization. The website must be visible to the search engines.

Once you are able to finish the 3 steps above, 50% is done. And the rest of the thing is regarding regular website updates, process for SEO and suitable design changes for looking this great for all the time.

This way you can build a successful website for your requirements.

Hope this helps !

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Create Geo Charts Using Google API

Geo Charts shows the representation of different geo locations on a Map. Google provides a fine api for creating geo charts. You can find this API documentation from

The chart will be like as below. Also there are a lot of Configuration options which we can use for customizing the chart as you like.

Hope this helps !

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Create a blog or website for your business needs - The First and Only Step

A website/blog is most essential for any type of business nowadays. Building a website from the scratch is expensive if you relate to a small scale business. In that case you can check for wordpress like CMS and plug-n-play premium templates. So you can create your website within 2 or 3 days and this will save the cost. The best examples for websites that provide premium templates are


Both of these provide the demo+ installation instructions + shortcodes + everything you require for setting up the template. So you can just set this up yourself without any confusion. Also there is one more advantage for this method. Purchasing a premium template will cost only $35-$55, but building this from the scratch will cross the limits.

So the first and only step required for creating your own personal blog or business website is finding a suitable template. Once it is ready, you can start integrating this yourself or with a hired developer. offers integration of premium quality website templates at a reasonable cost. You can contact our sales department for any further information. Email:

Make your website ready within 48 hrs !

Innovativewebz offers the integration of premium quality website templates for you. With this you can make your business website/blog ready in 48 hrs. You only need to purchase the domain name and template, and we will do the rest. We will help you to host the website with our partner webhosts. In this case if you need any post-live support, and if these require not more than 8 hrs, this will be absolutely free.

Also you can contact our support team for any further customizations in future.

For more details : Email us at

Friday, 15 February 2013

Jquery charts and graphs

Graph and chart plotting is a very important requirement in web based applications. You can find one of the best charting libraries at .

This is based on the jquery framework and is highly customizable. A best reliable option for your web applications.

Tuesday, 15 January 2013

Adding a Jquery DateTime picker to your application

Adding a DateTime picker for date fields is an important requirement for developing web applications nowadays. A lot of jquery plugins are available for this. One of the most popular and easy script is here at

Complete documentation, demos, formatting options etc are also given in the above URL.

A lot of customization options are available for this plugin and yes, the integration is very easy which we can finish within 5 minutes.

Hope this will be a great help for web developers!

Convert string to datetime PHP

You can convert this by using the function strtotime(). Here is the method.

$time = strtotime('10/16/2003 18:16'); 
$newformat = date('Y-m-d G:i:s',$time); 
echo $newformat; 

Hope this helps !

Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Fadein-Fadeout Effect to the Jcarousel.Elements

Integrating fadein and fadeout effect to the elements on both sides of a jcarousel auto scroller is not so much difficult. You can use the callback functions from for this.

Here we have added two callback functions itemFirstInCallback and itemLastInCallback for this purpose.

Please see the demo here.

Hope this helps !